COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights)

The COVID-19 Protection Framework has replaced the Alert Level system. You can find out official information about this framework and what it means here.

BHB Academy has put together a table below to help inform you what the framework requirements are for everyone on BHB Academy premises.

These procedures have been developed with the safety of staff, students, and clients in mind. We will continue to follow the guidelines set out in BHB Academy’s pandemic plan and will implement any new changes as required by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

For all up-to-date information and advice please visit

For health advice, please refer to the Ministry of Health’s website. HERE

For resources in Te Reo Māori, click HERE

For resources in sign language and easy read formats.

To keep updated on travel restrictions and visa information click HERE

For additional advice for tertiary providers/whare wānanga visit the Ministry of Education website.